
Showing posts from January, 2015

Quicker NXT.

Our forefathers were fond of collecting furniture and vessels and many more things can go with the list. There was a time when Great Grandmothers would secure their jewelleries and lahengas so that they can handover it to next generation. Electronic items were never to be sold as an old TV would serve as either toy for children or an extra luggage in store room. But now times have changed and fashion as well as man’s life style is totally changed and with growing crowd and little spaces to live in, it is impossible for people to maintain a good store room as our forefathers did. There were times when storeroom seemed like a treasure room to kids, where they could find many antique items to serve as their toys.  With growing crowd and little spaces this thought never occurs and man’s desperation for life style and high living has turned him into pompous and show-off has become style statement. Now man does not purchase things to satisfy his needs, he keeps changing ...

Pimple is not at all Simple

Each and every girl has an enemy and that enemy is PIMPLE. It is said that Pimple on faces announces the arrival of youth in girls and boys. I never felt so as I was God gifted child. I had oily skin yet I never had pimples. I found myself damn lucky as I never had to apply stale spit, multani mitti or any other dadima ke nuskhe to remove those kale dhabbe from my skin. I never had to read the articles which helped to remove pimples or never dreaded from looking at mirror. I could eat as many Gol-gappas I wish to have and as much spicy food as I wish. My friends felt jealous of me as I never did anything to save my skin from pimples. My oily skin also could not attract these monsters.  However this happiness was struck by calamity on one horrible day. It was my sister’s marriage and for that I got facial and bleach done on my face. God knows what exactly happens but after few days my skin was full of pimples. I was out of my mind and would again and again look at my face ...

What defines me? #UseYourAnd

Being an avid reader, I was brought to the realities of world very soon. It made me think rationally and prudently. Education of Literature worked like catalyst and interest in feminism made me ponder more about place of woman in society and somehow those thoughts questioned my own place in society or as a daughter in a family. Blogadda has again take up an initiative where I have got chance to answer all the questions my rational mind keeps asking. #UseYourAnd activity by BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus quivered my heart and asked me a question,” What you are?” “I am not an angel,' I asserted; 'and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself. Mr. Rochester, you must neither expect nor exact anything celestial of me - for you will not get it, any more than I shall get it of you: which I do not at all anticipate.” ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre I love above mentioned quote as I feel it actually defines me. :) Human being spends whole lif...