Book Review: I'm not Twenty Four... I've been nineteen for five years!

Hats Off to Sachin Garg , who has created such a masterpiece,"I'm not Twenty Four... I've been nineteen for five years!". I heartily thank to bring me in touch with this interesting and good work.This novel depicts journey of Delhi girl,Saumya, who is appointed as an Assistant Manager in Lala Steel Ltd.located in small village of Northern Karnataka, Toranagallu. The best of Sachin is reflected in his view of Girl's world. Being a guy, he has voiced all the emotions of girl, so perfectly that reader may assume that writer is a woman.One thing which I noticed in this Novel is writing style of Sachin Garg. In most of works of today's writers, the natural love-making seems vulgar,but in Sachin's novel it seems exotic and not vulgar.Name of the parts and Chapters are also full of creativity. Saumya at first seems typical Delhi girl who is busy in shopping and flirting, but just like Dark Chocolate ,character of Saumya also gets its original taste as the story proceeds. .Novel takes us into world of steel industry, where several characters meet us and give vision of atmosphere of Industry world. Mr. Manjunath proves to be the most jealous and cruel character who is the only villain of the novel ,on the contrary Mr. Ashish Rao is there who has unseen Angelic symbol on his head means a very very good person.These both character gives reader one idea that in this world there are two kind of people, One will love your intelligence and other type of people will pull your leg at your success. Characters like Malappa, Amit, Vaibhav,Vartika gives tasty tadka to novel. Tragedy with Malappa brings sadness ,but with arrival of Shubhro this sadness fades away.In First part , 7th Chapter "A Day Wasted" boys' general curiosity about girls Hostel is discussed which seems quite funny. Saumya does not enjoy her stay in small village much due to her horrible job but Malappa and Amit become her support.Due to lots of experiences and death of Malappa Saumya decides to leave Lala Steel,but here comes our Hero Shubhrodeep Shyamchaudhary whose arrival and stay at Lala Steel forces Saumya to think over her decision of Quitting. Character of Shubhro matches to any of Art Movie, smell of Weed, black eyes and beggar kind of look, still Handsome.This character gives us an idea "What is surface is not real, we need to go in deeper to get a real". Shubhro ,at first sight seems a hippie kind of person but later on at Lala Steel his real self comes on surface,and it is amazing. Through Shubhro's love for blog Sachin Garg seems entering in to the novel.The most genius part of novel is Prologue, where writer gives us idea about the end of the novel. [A Happy One :) ].The Prologue gives birth to cover page of novel, which gives us glimpse of intelligence of Sachin Garg.I got little bit confused at the end and thought Sachin has not clarified much about the end, then suddenly my Eyes fell on the Cover page and prologue came to my mind. "I'm not Twenty Four... I've been nineteen for five years!" is really a worth reading novel.
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