“Daniel’s diary”

“Daniel’s diary”

Rajeshwari Chauhan, an artist, freelance writer has great potential of creating paintings as well as creative writing. She belongs to Royal family Chhota-Udepur. Her passion for history and conservation of heritage has resulted in wonderful work” Daniel’s diary”. The moment I started reading it, the world around me started melting and I joined Mrinalini in her journey. A superb work, which needs no praise, no criticism as it is like Love, only those can understand its value, who has enjoyed it. It is great combination of suspense, romantic, history, mystery. Many genres in one.
Mrinalini, an art restoration expert, is hired by one royal family, who wants to transform the palace into heritage hotel. During her task of restoring, she stumbles upon a mystery and revelation of it leads Mrinalini back into era of Moghuls, where a foreigner describes love story of Moghul emperor and Rajput princess. The story continues with many ups and downs, many surprises and OMG facts.
“Daniel’s diary” is really a delightful work of literature. After reading many worthless popular fictions, it was really like finding oasis in desert. Beautiful description of lovers’ situations, similar in both era. Historical as well as modern era. Through characters of Mrinalini, Arrow, Surajsinh and Suzan, Rajeshwari portrays pleasant portrait of emotions of lovers. A must read for those who believe that love can be explained only through unnecessary detailed description of sex. Love can be explained through ‘stolen glances’, ‘foot games under table’, ‘rude behaviour on surface and intense care in deeper’. Something really solacing who wish to read something genuine, something to remember and enjoy, not for time pass. Language is also poetical, it really keeps line between hard and simple language. The beginner reader won’t need dictionary and well-read will enjoy its fluidity.

I have fallen in love with it. I read it continuously five times, still feeling like reading it again.
Story and plot- 5 out of 5
Language- 5 out of 5
Flow- 5 out of 5.


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