Five Black Jewels, I-Wish-To-Have.

Black, known as mourning in past,
Now the symbol of fashion and light.
Black is in my mind, turning me,
Into a fashionable diva, Oh me,
Turning eyes to me, with black,
All over me, in my world,
My world sparkling with black.

Black has been my favorite color since childhood, but due to Indian mentality, I could never have black color in wardrobe and in my house. My love for black accessories and black cloths remained buried in heart. Sigh sigh sigh!
But today, Thanks to Fashion world, which has cast off all the wrappers around the black and has made it a must have color in one’s house and wardrobe. I really thank Blogadda to bring such an opportunity to dive into world of black treasure and bring out my list of five I-wish-to-have things. So here goes my list of five I wish to have.
As I said earlier, it is my childhood wish to have a wonderful dress of black color and perfect accessories to add glam to the dress. Here is my first I-wish-to-have Black Dress with accessories.

Make my body alluring and jewel of eye, oh one shoulder black dress.
My foot turned into charming foot of Cinderella, oh high heel black sandals.
My fingers singing songs of love, my diamond studded black ring.
My simple neck turned to neck of a Diva, oh my black neck piece.
My cell phone is naked without you, my diamond studded black mobile cover.
My hands seem empty without holding you, my lustrous black clutch.
Oh my black jewels make me the show stopper of the day. 

The second thing I-wish-to-have is Lancôme’s waterproof Black Eye liner
My eyes deserted and empty,
Need love of your touch,
Forsaken by world as bland,
Needs your magical touch,
To turn them in lustrous.
Which turn head with ‘wow’.
Give me a look, the look,
Which launched thousand ships.

My third I-wish-to-have black jewel is a Black bean bag
My lazy self turns to you,
To rest and to enjoy a book,
Along with my masala chai.
Lazy noon to enjoy down pouring,
To close my eyes and lost in myself.
Get me in these moments my dear bean bag.

My fourth I-wish-to-have black jewel is Black book shelf.
My treasure is scattered on floor,
Sometimes in heaps, on table or,
In the corner of the room.
I need you so badly, to honor them.
To keep my treasure in a place,
To showcase them to world.
Come to me and glorify my wall,
Let my treasure rest on you,
My black shining book shelf.

My fifth I-wish-to-have black jewel is Black Harley Davidson.
Though a girl, tom boy inside me roars out,
It needs a monster to divest the roads,
To explore the world through roads,
Thumbing into my bloods, one day,
It will rip through the veins, the moment,
It will ride you, my black Monster.

Soooo, here my dream journey to my I-wish-to-have black jewels, ends here. These five things will surely make me an amazing and perfect one. 

This post is a part of #WhatTheBlack activity at


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