Book Review of 'The Devil's Gate- An Impossible Journey'.

About Author:

Deepak Kripal is doctor by profession and writer by passion. His love and fame in blogging field inspired him to write a novel and ‘The Devil’s Gate’.

Plot: 4/5 

The plot wanders around a wonderful fictional story, which is amazing. A Cat, a Dog, an Owl and skeleton of a child. These extra ordinary set of characters are out on an adventure, where they wish to habitat on island, away from humans, who are turning greedy and violent day by day. More addition in revelation of plot gonna ruin thrill of the novel so no more revelation.
Characters: 4.5/5

Katty: A Cat, animal version of Angelina Jolie of Tomb Rider is awesome pack of emotions, toughness and courage.

Dug: A Dog, totally opposite in nature from his clan.

Billy: An Owl, who somehow reminds reader of those philosophical nerds whom we addressed as Literate Ullu in childhood.

Cheeku: Skeleton of child, who help animals in founding the true ruler of island.

Writing Style: 4/5

 A tale that challenges faith in God at once, but at the end it strengthens the faith more. ‘The Devil’s Gate’ is a debut novel of Deepak Kripal. As a blogger, I always heard and thought that bloggers are full of creativity and imagination but I was fully convinced when I read Deepak’s ‘The Devil’s Gate’. This is a novel which holds reader firmly from beginning to the end. A concept and question on God’s presence or Saturn’s ruling humanity, shakes one’s faith at once but as per the poetic justice Good wins over evil. Characters are awesome, Cat and Dog, well known enemies, come together to rescue animals from Humans. Very nice message is given in this book that however tough the task may be, if you have courage and good companions to complete the task, than you can win even a Saturn. 

My overall rating for this work is 4/5.



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