Twist to Bluebeard Tale. #WillYouShave

Here I come, Bluebeard.

With long black beard, blue tinges in it.

 Wealthy and handsome I make woo.

Ladies beautiful and charming, falling to my trap.

I, the most eligible bachelor of town,

With property and a castle of my own.

Castle so enormous and enchanting,

Has garden and church in its wing.

Bad luck cursed me in chapter of marriage,

I marry and every wife die at naïve age.

People wonder what the reason is.

I say my bad luck is behind it.

A lady beautiful and fine, came to my heart,

Wooing her I made a proposal with art.

She at once agreed and gave her consent.

I wondered it’s me or the gigantic castle?

Leaving my bride at my house, I had to wonder for my bread.

With business abroad and tasks to handle,

I asked for her consent for travelling abroad.

With heavy hearted she approved and I left.

Giving her keys of the castle, showing her all the floors.

Each and every room with great ease.

Behold! Said the door of tiny room.

Alas! Human nature, she wanted to be in.

I refused with red eye, never to open the door.

Never to visit the room in any condition.

She agreed at once and I left on board.

Human nature is the evil behind all misdeeds.

Disobedience is the vice I hated the most.

She did what she was not supposed to do,

Opened the room and witnessed them all.

Hanging with rope, slithered and slaughtered.

My ex-wives murdered and hanged there.

In the tiny room, they rested in hell.

The key bore the proof of disobedience.

Blood stains screaming,” Oh Lord! She disobeyed you.”

I catch her and wish to slither her.

To punish for her crime but alas!

Her brothers come and I die.

This is the story you all know.

Bluebeard dies and wife lives happily,

with her lover forgetting the nightmares.

Die? Is it so simple for villain to die?

I will not die. I will write history of my own.

Will shave off this beard for what I’m known.

From Bluebeard I’ll be Clean-shaven.

Will continue to kill those who disobey.

There is she, living in my castle,

With her new lover. I will go.

In peace of night, slithering and slaughtering,

Teaching her a lesson and hanging her in a hanging room of hell.

Yes, I will shave off this beard.

Will become Clean-shaven from Bluebeard.

 ‘This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette


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