Banjara's Skin +ve Beauty Cream

Hey beautiful ladies out there!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
A big hello from my side and please pay your attention here as today I have got something unique for you all. 

We all keep wondering which beauty cream to trust and use from the many flooding the television. Well, being a reviewer I understand it to be my duty to review a cream that would be lighter on your/ husband's pocket and miraculous for your skin.

So, I have got a cream for you all from Banjara's , an Indian herbal brand. Banjara's is quite popular brand with all herbal product lovers, that includes me, too. *grin* *grin*
Recently I got their newly launched and already gaining popularity product for review and that is Skin +ve Beauty cream. I have been using the cream from last week and trust me it's results has compelled me to write review this much soon.

Product discription:
Price: 45 for 20 gm
Suitable for all season and all skin types.
Key ingredients: Pomegranate fruit extracts, Wheat germ oil and Vitamin E 

Product claims: 
It claims to transform your skin into healthy, youthful and flawless, providing SPF15 and  PA++ protection to your skin.  

Cream description:
Cream is smooth and non-greasy , leaving mild yet enchanting smell. It spreads easily and gets absorbed soon, without leaving any patches on skin. it has light pinkish tone. Smell lingers for a while but effects stays there on skin.

Product Review:
Well, I must say this product is really miraculous on skin and gives it glow. Not an instant one but steady. I applied it at night as well as in day to get thoroughly idea of it's effect. It didn't hurt my skin anyway as it has natural properties and when awaken in morning, my skin feels so soft and glows.  I have also got complement from people. The best thing about the cream is it's non greasy and it does not cause sweating. I tried it while it was hot weather as well as raining. It gave same results in both atmosphere. This seems the best point about this cream. No need to purchase two different creams for two weather. I used it under compact and it made my skin more fairer and natural. I have combination skin but I didn't find any negative effects on either area. It truly suits all skin types.

would surely recommend this cream to my all readers.

Pros of Banjara's Skin +ve Beauty Cream:
  • Non-greasy
  • nozzle packaging makes it easy to use
  • Travel friendly
  • Affordable
  • Herbal ingredients
Cons of Banjara's Skin +ve Beauty Cream:
  • Haven't found any
My rating for this cream 4/5.


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