Instant Khaman

Khaman is Gujarati dish. A famous breakfast which is normally used for trolling Gujarati community but whoever has tasted it, swears by it's tangy and sweet taste.

Though born and brought up in Gujarat, I never tried making Khaman. Hailing from Mathura by ancestral origin we preferred Mathura style breakfast at home. but after I got married , I felt like learning Khaman and other Gujarati breakfast items as my husband loved Khaman. It was not possible for me to get khaman from outside everytime he craved for it so I tightened the belt and decided to learn it.

Khaman is such a thing that needs proper attention and quantity of ingredients. If you miss a thing then it would turn into disaster. Trust me, I have become expert n Khman making but it has coasted me several disastrous experiences. Many times it turned soggy, many times didn't rise at all etc etc.
After many experiments now I can make perfect khaman. So  am sharing my recipe of Khaman here that needs few ingredients.


Gram flour- 1 cup
Citric acid- 1/2 tablespoon
sugar-1/2 tablespoon
turmeric-  1/4 tablespoon
baking soda-1/8 tablespoon
Eno fruit-salt- 1/2 tablespoon
Ginger and Chili-  1 tablespoon each crushed to paste
Water- 1/2 cup

For Tempering:

curry leaves
Oil-1 tablespoon
Mustard- 1/4 tablespoon
asfotedia- 1/8 tablespoon
sugar- 1 tablespoon
Green chilies -  2-4 cut in middle
For Garnishing-
Grated Coconut
Chopped Coriander
For serving

Naylon Sev
Tamarind Chutney
Mint chutney


Mix all items in Ingredient list in a bowl except Baking Soda and Eno.
Better should not be too much thick or too much runny. It should be of medium consistency.
Mix them properly and leave aside for 10 minutes.
Till then place the steamer or Khaman Cooker on gas, pour sufficient water and place the pan or thali in it. Be careful that water should not be too much that it enters in thali and should not be too much less.
Add baking soda and Eno into the better. and mix well. do not beat it too much or else the air bubbles will escape.
Pour the better into thali immediately and cover the cooker or steamer properly. The air should not escape from it or else it will turn Khaman into soggy one.
Let it steam for flat 20 minutes. After 20 minutes insert knife into Khaman. If it comes out clean than Take out the thali out. If it still sticks to knife let it steam for 5 minutes more.
Take out the Khaman plate out and till it gets cool prepare tempering.
Take Pan and heat oil. As oil heats add mustard and as it crackles add asfotedia, sugar and curry leaves along with green chili.Add water. Turn stove on medium flame while adding water. Bring it to boil two three times.
Cut the Khamans in desired shapes and pour the tempering on the Khaman. Sprinkle grated coconut and Coriander.
Take Khaman on plate. pour Green chutney, Tamarind Chutney  and Nylon sev on Khaman.


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