Keep Calm Kanna Keep Calm Watch pepsi IPl on

India’s present population is 1,270,272,105 (1.27 billion), and I’m damn sure that all of these people (excluding toddlers and kids under 3) must have played cricket at any age. Cricket is the only thing in India, which is enjoyed fully by people of all age, religion and education. Whether the person is poor or rich, they have one thing in common, love for cricket. Whenever season of IPL comes, one disease starts spreading and this disease never harms people. This disease is called IPL fever. Like billion of Indians, I’m too, great lover of IPL season. Many times it happened that I missed my favourite serials just because of my wish to watch IPL. I have very strange craziness for Cricket. Today I am going to share my crazy love for Cricket.
Before a week or two, my husband called me on my cell phone around 6 o’clock and asked me to come to his office as soon as possible. At first I refuse because my match was going to start soon and I had dinner to make. I argued for a while but at last I had to give in. I was surprised as he never called me in such a manner. I quickly got ready and left for his office. As soon as I reached there, the watchman of building informed that my husband was in nearby building and I must reach there. I was little bit tensed now, but as soon as I entered nearby building’s door, my husband surprised me with shouting boom on my back and as I covered from it, he took me to the new restaurant, where he had planned a surprise candle light dinner. He loves to give me romantic surprise. We started enjoying our starters, but as soon as my eyes fallen on my wrist watch, my heart skipped a bit. It was already 7:30 p.m. My match was about to start in half hour. My mind and heart started thinking for tricks to reach home as soon as possible. I could not find any trick, and could not bear thought of skipping a single over. After wasting time of 5 to 10 minutes, I got up from the dinner table and started running from there. My husband was little bit shocked to see this. He shouted,” Sonal, where are you going? What happened?” I turned around and shouted back,” Jaan, really sorry, Match is about to start and don’t wish to skip even a single over. You finish this dinner and come to home. Please bring some food for me too, in parcel.” My husband was left aghast but he, too knew about my crazy love for cricket, so he just smiled. At 8: 00, I was in my comfy sofa, watch match, enjoying tasty Chinese my husband had brought for me. has introduced new features to make Cricket more enjoyable and my favourite among them is Action Recap, which can present the match I missed accidently.
Fastest Scoreboard
A scoreboard that delivers faster than anyone else.
Quick videos that capture key match points in real time.
Catch up with the match quickly and completely, no matter when you come in.
Informative snippets with a visual twist, for your entertainment.
FREE video stream of the match with 5 minutes delay.
This post is a part of  Cricket just got better! Activity by in association with


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