Review of "A Phase Unknown- Woman A Tribute"

“A Phase Unknown- Woman A Tribute” is a dream project of Shreyasi Phukon, a girl, who being girl wishes to present an anthology, focused on woman. It is really great to see this anthology, because as a reader, I noticed that now a days, Love has become, most chewed theme. It is like oasis in desert to see an anthology, whose each and every page is oozing with respect and gratitude towards God’s amazing creation, ’Woman’.

 “A Phase Unknown-Woman A Tribute” is collection of short stories and poems, talking about woman, not any celebrity, still a hero of our everyday life.

On Women’s ‘Day’ by Titiksha Singhal
A poem, good one, but not something mesmerising. Poetess could put more efforts in it, still a good work.

She by RaviRaj Ramavarapu
A short story narrates tale of a rape victim, the theme is good one, but not focused properly. Writer’s wish to present his own self seems greater than the main idea of the story. It is little bit irritating, still his efforts are good one.

My Affair With The Hooker by Mahua Ray
Really wonderful story, with fabulous theme. Emotions and words blended so perfectly, that mind itself starts posturizing all the events described in the story. Woman of any age, any profession or race is a “Shakti”, who is adorable and as per need can transform herself into Durga. Really nice work.

With Love… Your Mom by Ritik Babbar
A heart quenching story. A fantastic point about this story is that, it is written by male from female’s point of view. A boy from a mother’s point of view. The disgraceful reality of our society where parents are disgraced and ignored, once we get hold of our property.

Endeavour by Ayushi Sharma
Story left me speechless. A girl from India, writes story about Afghani woman, who lost her child to Talibanis due to her firm decision of teaching girls of neighbourhood. This is really amazing and really heart-warming that wherever a woman resides, whatever religion she follows, it do not prove to be barriers to understand feelings of the same gender.

The Unborn by Saket Swabhavik
Miraculous poem, voicing the fear of each and every girl on this earth. Theme of the poem is awesome. Generally the same question is asked, when any girl transfers to another city. Here the poet has placed the question in unborn’s heart.

My Mom Strongest by Dipti Pathare
An enthralling tale of love. Really loved the way writer has presented different faces of a woman’s life. Something unique is there in this story, which makes reader craving for more and more.

 Daughter’s Fate by Pranav Shree
A girl can blossom perfectly only if she is provided a perfect atmosphere full of support, proper love and care, but what if girl is born in a family which male dominating family? To get answer of this question, one must read this story.

She is Wild by Dr. Sasiprabha
After long time, I got a story which reminded me of African writer’s plays Wole Soyinka. Wonderful description of tribal culture, ritual and above of all, power of woman is reflected very nicely. Cheeru presents the greatest quality of a woman, she can change the meaning of her existence. In this story one more irony is presented of society’s mentality that either they disrespect her as a common creature or worship her as a goddess.

I Can Be a Devil Too by Vinod Pardhi
A story, which seems inspired by movie with particular themes, still a nice try. There are many loopholes in the story, which kills the charm of the story. Still a good thrilling story.

Being Woman by Priyanka Chaudhary
Really pleasant story as it represents dilemma of every girl, who is misused by the one, whom she trusted the most. What are the questions, which have no answers? Read this story to know them.

Shattered Dreams by Nilesh Gowardhan
Pain is oozing from the story. Pain of being obedient child. Pain of destroying one’s own dream. Pain of losing love. Pain of losing liveliness. Pain of butchering smile. Well-crafted story.

Haunting…Paranoia, NEW BEGINNING by Shreyasi R. Phukon
After reading this story, I realised that my cheeks are wet with tears. I must say that the way emotions of a girl has been described in this novel, cannot be judged by few words. The story itself needs a review to be justified properly.

Wounded Wings, Wailing Women by Devanshu
Nice effort by author, but he could present it more meaningfully, if he had used another form of literature.

What Should I Do, I want to Live by Ragini Singh
Very fertile theme. Writer could provide wonderful fruit, but has failed to invoke the emotions. Ends abruptly, threads not connecting with the beginning.

An Indeed Creation by Shweta Kesari
Felt blessed after reading this poem, for being woman. Really this poem is an Indeed Creation of Shweta Kesari.

Tribute by Sharanya Bhattacharya
In this last piece, Sharanya has given idea, why this work took place and what’s aim for creating this anthology.

My favourite among them all were of Mahua Ray, Ayushi Sharma, Dr. Sasiprabha, Shreyasi R. Phukon.

My rating for this anthology is 4/5.


  1. Hey Sonal. It was good to hear from you. Glad you liked my poem.



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