
‘Kellogg’s wale Guptaji’, he was famous with this name in our colony. You guys must be thinking that why anyone is known by Kellogg’s? The reason behind the name was Mrs. Gupta’s unique recipes created with Kellogg’s cornflakes. You guys must be wondering what kind of recipes Sonal is talking about? What can be created with Cornflakes? Can it be so awesome that person’s identity is replaced with the brand? The answer is, “YES”. They can be awesome and trust me, if any of you would have breakfast at Guptaji’s house then you, too would repeat my lines. Guptaji’s family is like common family with husband, wife and two kids. In our colony everyone tries to get an invitation for breakfast at Guptaji’s house. When I came new to this colony, people seemed crazy to me, who were going gaga over Guptaji’s breakfasts. With passing of time, I settled down in colony. Like any typical housewife, I, too faced same problem and question. “What should be there in breakfast today? “...