Review of Myriad Tales-A Season of Thrills, Chills & Spills

Writing Style: 4/5 

‘Myriad Tales-A Season of Thrills, Chills & Spills’ is collection of 32 stories on Horror, Comedy and Thrillers. A wonderful collection with different genres. Market is flooded with anthologies based on love-stories and as one said that too sweet can be boring sometimes. I, too started looking for something different rather than stolen glances, love-letters and tear-soaked pillows. Thanks to facebook, I got news about this book and from the very announcement of this book; I was waiting to grab the book. The moment I got the book, I started reading it and fell in love with the book. Horror, Comedy and Thriller all the three genres combined in one book. One story will make you keep lights on even in daylight and another one would make you fall from sofa due to laughter.  Few stories will make you bite your nails with suspense. Sounds amazing, isn’t it? Each and every story is unique in itself.

At beginning, I felt like listing down my favorite stories but as I took a look at the index, I realized that I will have to mention all the stories. So I must say that each and every story.

Guns and Roses by Akash Shrivastav reminded me of few thriller movies of Bollywood and Hollywood. Twisted at end.

Prank  by Nikhil Uprety is a horror story which will leave you sweating in winter.

Battle of Wits by Rafaa Dalvi is really a good one and will leave an imprint in your mind.

Duplicity by Alexander Altman is story of crime and revenge, a cruel one in nature.

The Unwelcome Guest by Dr. Roshan Radhakrishnan is a story which will send chills through your spines.

Atarahbaham- Mahabharata remixed!!! By Suhail Mathur is awesome piece of imagination and creativity.

The Raveled Mystery by Saurabh Chawla by is such a story which once again reminded me of few Bollywood thrillers.

Seat Number 66 by Vaisakhi Mishra is really horrifying story. If made into movie, it surely gonna make to list of most horrific movies of world.

Spectacles in Goa by Anil Antony will bring out mixture of pity and humor.

The Lay who Loved Tea Too Much by Ritesh Agarwal is a wonderful story of addiction of tea and love.

Gem of a Thief by David Singh will remind you of Bollywood thrillers.

The Facebook Girl by Dr. Vivek Banerjee is a story which made me unfriend few unknown people from my list. Really a creepy one.

Fundawear by Saurabh Mishra is really awesome piece. Sometimes exceeded excitement and thrill can turn into nightmares.

The Poison Ivy by Priyaa Trippayar Sahasranaman is story set in foreign land with ups and downs of love triangle, greed and jealousy.

The Deal by Tapobrata Kumar is a heart touching tale of dilemma. Dilemma of selection between love and duty towards nation.

401 Wellington Avenue by Nobanita Dhar is horror story with mixture of horror and kindness. It will horrify you at beginning and kindle with kindness at end.

The Love Story by Upneet Grover is story of one sided love. Characters are not as heroic as other love stories but real life characters.

Twisted Fate by Chandrapal Khasiya is tale depicting the realities of so-called babas in our society. Somehow I felt title is not appropriate and beginning could be different.

Raped by Raviraj Ramavarapu is wonderful story depicting our obsession with crime serials, yet author could make it more interesting.

The Black Pearls by Sufia Khatoon is horror story and it’s really a horrible one.

It’s Time by Arka Chakrabarti is tale of love, ambitions and betrayal. Emotions are wonderfully described in this story. Heart-touching story.
The Venomous Vault by Ayush Agarwal is really horrifying tale of psychiatric disorder.

Today’s Special Poison by Uwais Zubair Sait is thriller story which would leave you in amazement. A wonderful read.

3 AM When Reality Met Illusion by Neoni D’souza is horror story with poetic justice at end. However I felt that writer was not able to keep the suspense hidden.

Paint it Red by Rahul Mohan Sharma is story of humanity and pity. Story could be more entertaining with lighter treatment.

The Letter by Ayush Agarwal is a story which made me tremble with fear. This guy must try in script- writing for horror and thriller stories.

Project Phantasm by Kosha Srivastava is sci-fi story which will leave you agonized.

Drishti by Praveen Sinha is wonderful story which will grasp you totally.

Unraveling The Night by Amogh Srivastav is comic yet thrilling story and makes reader alert.

Messed Up by Shipra Jain is a story which once again reminded me of few Bollywood thrillers. A good factor about story is it’s grasp and clarity of events.

The Forgery by Arka Datta is a wonderful narrative which describes the rule that hard work never fails. Your hard work will pay you in one or another form, sooner or later.

Honeymoon of the Haunted by Mihir shah is a horror story with chewed storyline and reader’s craving for something new might not be satisfied.

 I really wish to read many more stories like this. I really wish that book provided stories till eternity. A must read for those who tired of love stories. Something that will make you crave for more.

My overall rating for this work is 4/5. 

Genre: Fiction
Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: Half Baked Beans Publishing
Language: English


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