
‘Kellogg’s wale Guptaji’, he was famous with this name in our colony. You guys must be thinking that why anyone is known by Kellogg’s? The reason behind the name was Mrs. Gupta’s unique recipes created with Kellogg’s cornflakes. You guys must be wondering what kind of recipes Sonal is talking about? What can be created with Cornflakes? Can it be so awesome that person’s identity is replaced with the brand?

The answer is, “YES”. They can be awesome and trust me, if any of you would have breakfast at Guptaji’s house then you, too would repeat my lines. Guptaji’s family is like common family with husband, wife and two kids. In our colony everyone tries to get an invitation for breakfast at Guptaji’s house. When I came new to this colony, people seemed crazy to me, who were going gaga over Guptaji’s breakfasts. With passing of time, I settled down in colony. Like any typical housewife, I, too faced same problem and question. “What should be there in breakfast today? “ Though I was blessed in this matter as my husband was crazy about Poha and so I didn’t worry much about him but whenever any of the relatives visited, I felt there must be some unique recipe for breakfast which I can use to impress my relatives. I was newly married so this thing mattered to me the most as it was issue of my image in family. Like any Indian housewife, one day I asked my neighbor for few recipes for breakfast. She smiled and said,” I can give you some but they are very common, if you wish to create something different, then you must visit ‘Kellogg’s wale Guptaji’s house. She has treasure-box of recipes that too created with cornflakes.” I wondered,” What can be so unique in simple cornflakes?” However I smiled and retired to my adobe.

Next day as I decided, I prepared some Dhoklas and headed towards ‘Kellogg’s wale Guptaji’s house. I entered their house with smile plastered all over my face. As I entered their house, smell of chocolate, walnuts and roasted cornflakes greeted my nostrils. I was already impressed as walnuts and chocolates were my weakness. Their combination made me go on knees. Mrs. Guptaji broke my chain of thoughts and welcomed me to their house and asked me join them for breakfast. I cordially accepted the invitation and sat down with them. ‘Walnut Cornflakes Choco Balls’ this item stared me back from the dish and was wondering how would be the taste of item? I bite into one ball and to my astonishment the breakfast was out of this world. I gobbled up many balls and asked for more shamelessly. After filling up my tummy, I smiled shyly and asked Mrs. Guptaji the recipe.

She generously shared the recipe and gave me many more recipes to make my mornings tasty and healthy.

Now, I’m also fan of ‘Kellogg’s wale Guptaji’ and wait to get an invitation for breakfast. 


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