Book review of 'The Mahabharata Quest- The Alexander Secret' by Christopher Doyle

About Author:

Christopher C Doyle studied at IIM Calcutta. He has written articles on management and business for several publications but his collaboration with Jules Verne, HG Wells, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, JRR Tolkein, and Robert Jordan since his childhood made him dive into world of literature and so he gifted world with ‘The Mahabharata Secret’, which is his debut novel.

Writing Style: 3.5/5

 ‘The Alexander Secret’ by Christopher Doyle is the next book in his series of ‘The Mahabharata Quest’. After huge success of ‘The Mahabharata Secret’, this title has also won heart of readers and has earned love of readers. Just as previous one this one is also enthralling. There are very few works for which you would skip your meals, sleep and other daily chores. ‘The Alexander Secret’ is one of them. 

With same characters from previous book in the series, Christopher continues exploring history and the mysteries revolving around the epics. Addition of Alice, Van Klueck, Dr. Saxena and few some more characters, the novel voyages through different countries. The best factor I found in Christopher’s novels is the portrayal of incidents. The narrative style is so wonderful that you would find yourself running with Alice, grinning with Colin, crying with Dr. Shukla over death loved ones. This novel contains many medical terms and thanks to glossary at the end of book, I had no need to google it. Yet, I felt that reduction of these terms could intensify the novel as to a non-medical person, it would be little bit boring to read much of the description. 

At the end of novel, Christopher has already presented hint of his upcoming novel. Eagerly waiting for the third novel in series.    

My overall rating for this work is 3.5/5.

Genre: Historical Fiction
Paperback: 355 pages 
Publisher: Westland ltd
Language: English



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