From Alto to Scorpio. Thanks to Quikr NXT

Replacing car has become fashion status now a days and it’s quite easy with increased salaries and high living style. The toughest thing now a days is how to sell your car? In past one used to contact any garage owner to sell or buy his car but it risked many things as one would not get actual price due to garage-owner’s commission, his influence on seller or buyer. Not only seller but also the buyer faced same issues. 

With arrival of online buyer and seller websites these issues are totally evaporated and Quikr NXT has made things easier. With few of its new features it has become quite easier to sell or buy the car.
I live in a society where parking is the biggest issues and this brought much damage to my car as due to lack of space car used to bang in each other and turned my beautiful car into piece of scrap. I hated it like anything and wanted to change it. But there, too I had issues as with existing websites which helped selling things online. I had to provide my contact number to get response from people. It made my day and night hell as people called anytime and I got disturbed during my office times. 

I wanted someone who could take care of this whole business of buying and selling car. Quikr NXT came to my rescue and introduced few features which seemed magic wand to me. It banished all of my worries and miseries. Keeping number private was one of its feature which helped me to keep my number secure as many times I received abusing or prank calls. I was never disturbed during office hours or morning or evening tasks. Second feature of Quikr NXT was like an angel as I could easily chat with buyers at my convenience. With mind at peace I could easily negotiate with buyers peacefully and could also maintain my privacy. Selling car was not like headache anymore. It seemed like any other task. 

It’s quite common that when selling something, we would be in contact with many buyers and keeping track of all calls or remembering the prices according to buyers made me pull my hair. It happened many a times that I would agree with any buyer at lower price who previously agreed at higher price due to similar names. I had call off the deal and it made me feel like a greedy woman. I really wished previously that if I could keep record of my calls. Thanks to Quikr NXT’s next feature keeping record of all chats. I could easily chat with many buyers at once and could also go through the past chat to remember the negotiations. 

I could also add as many photos as I wish during chat or off the chat. Buyers would often ask for photos of seats, interior of car and many more. Previously with limited photos , one could not get the idea. I, myself was also looking for cars on Quikr NXT and it helped me in the same way to find a new car. I chatted at my convenience, asked for many photos detailing car. 

Thanks to Quikr NXT, I was able to switch from Alto to Scorpio. Yeah, I got Scorpio at very good price and got it delivered to my doorstep as the seller was really a helpful one. I did the same with buyer of my Alto.

You, too can go to and get a new car.


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